asio - ASynchronous Input/Output library for Rust


The asio is not compatible to Rust stable version (ver 1.9). Please install a Rust-nightly.

This crate is on github and can be used by adding asio to the dependencies in your project's Cargo.toml.

rust_asio = "0.1.1"

And this in your crate root:

extern crate asio;

For example, Connection with TCP socket code:

use asio::*;
use asio::ip::*;

struct TcpClient(TcpSocket);

impl TcpClient {
  fn start(io: &IoService) {
    let soc = Strand::new(io, TcpClient(TcpSocket::new(Tcp::v4())));
    let ep = TcpEndpoint::new((IpAddrV4::new(, 12345));
    TcpSocket::async_connect(|soc|, &soc.0, &ep, Self::on_connect, &soc);

  fn on_connect(soc: Strand<Self>, io::Result<()>) {
    match res {
      Ok(_) => println!("connected.");
      Err(err) => println!("{:?}", err);

fn main() {
  let io = IoService::new();



Currently supported platforms:

Future plans

  1. BSD will support (kqueue support).
  2. Signal will support.
  3. SSL will support.
  4. Generic protocol socket will support.
  5. File descriptor socket will support.
  6. Windows will support.